About Me

I have worked in the customer service industry ever since I was old enough to have a job. I worked hard, got the experience my company wanted and moved my way up to bigger stores and higher salaries. I got my benefits, vacation time, tenure which I thought meant job security, everything I grew up to think was what a good job was.

Then I hit a wall… I got older and wanted nice things, wanted to buy a house, start saving for retirement. I looked at the salary I worked so hard to get and realized that it would never be enough to have all those things. I thought to myself, maybe if I worked harder I can get another promotion, but that would only me a few more dollars, not nearly enough to get me to where I wanted to be financially. Maybe I’ll get a second job, but then what kind of life would I have… Like I said I hit a wall.

It is not for me to sit down and give up when things seem hard or out of my reach, I start to search for new options and opportunities. Through this search I found Wealthy Affiliate. For someone like me this platform gave me all I needed… an opportunity to decide how much I wanted to make each month, and further, the support and training I needed to get there.

I still see that wall in front of me. The difference now is that I have started to build a ladder to climb over it.

If you have any questions for me you are always welcome to visit me at my profile at my.wealthyaffiliate.com ( click here ) or you can leave me a comment of any of my posts on the site.

If you want to dive right in hers a link to get you started, I jumped right in when I started and I have no regrets. One you have created your account you will access to communications to me and many others just like me, paying it forward to help each other realize dreams we never thought we could make happen.

Thank you for reading,
