Can Wealthy Affiliate Really Make You Wealthy??

Wealthy Affiliate 
Overall Ranking: ***** 5 / 5
Price: Free subscription available, or monthly premium membership for $49

Wealthy Affiliate is a lot of things… This platform offers training for people who know nothing or just a little about the world of website building and creating an online business.

Depending on what subscription you have to the site ( free or premium) it’s a platform for hosting multiple websites and domains. Its a community of people that are just like you, trying to build an online business, they are willing to help you and support you on your journey. It’s a place where you can find what your looking for to build your home based business.


Prosyou can sign up for free and have access to the live chats enabling you to talk to other members to get real feedback about their experiences. You can build a free siterubix site to test out the process to see how you feel about the platform, and you have access to part of the certification course that will give you a taste of how much detail the platform goes into to offer you the best training.

ConsThis is not a get rich quick process. Like many things in life it takes time. It takes time to build out your site with helpful and quality content. It takes time to get trust with the search engines that your site is helpful and engaging. It takes time to attract a steady flow of traffic that will eventually start to create an income flow. If you can not give yourself the time to learn, grow and build your business you may get frustrated. If you are willing however to invest your time into this there is much success to be had.



The better question is who isn’t it for… a beginner has the opportunity to learn through step by step certification courses and classrooms, get confidence in the online world, and create the framework for a successful online business. A person who has intermediate experience has the opportunity to add to their knowledge, fill in the blanks on topics they may not be really good with, help others and host their sites. An experienced member would benefit from a platform that supports multiple sites and domains as part of their membership fee, along with everything else that this platform has to offer.


This is just a very small sample of how organized the training is and how easy it is to follow on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. There is the Bootcamp you see here, and there is also a certification course that is set up much the same way. On top of that there is the live chat where you can ask other users for help, and if you are a premium member you can take part in live webinars. Lots of great things to check out.


Members who are on the platform as a free user have access to the live online chat for the first seven days, where you can reach out to others talking online and ask questions to others on the platform for help.

Members who choose to upgrade to the premium membership will also benefit from online tech support, in my experience they have had a very rapid response for any concerns I have had. Within your profile you are also able to send private messages to different member for support including the owners. In fact Kyle, one of the owners checks in on you from time to time by email and through personal message through your profile to offer support, and to congratulate you on your progress as you work through the trainings and create your site.

No matter what time of day it is, if you have a question, there is always someone live on the platform that may help. There are endless blog posts and training videos available on the site to help you through things you have questions about. If your a premium member and something happens to your site, or something isn’t working the way you expected, there is site support. Site support is 24/7 and with my experiances they are pretty swift at getting back to me, and fixing the issues.

Support can be a major thing for people when trying to build an online business, its really worth its weight in gold. The proper support is important to the success of a business. An online business is no exception to the rule.


You can create a limited profile for free that will give you access to build a free website and an introduction to the training. Upgrade to premium your first month is $19, and then after $49 a month. Once you are premium you have full access to all the training, you can host multiple sites along with your own domains and much more. You can also decide to change your membership to yearly which gives you about a 40% savings working out to be about $29 a month.


In closing the experience of this platform is positive, you are never alone as you have so much support from others along with tons of training at your fingertips.  Yes I now have a biased opinion, I personally use this platform to host many of my own websites and I have never seen anything like this. Trust me I have looked. From day one it’s been a great experience. You really have nothing to loose by checking Wealthy Affiliate out.

If you are concerned about my biased opinion, know I was just like you looking for something else, I honestly never would have checked this platform out if it came with strings attached.

We are all sceptics when it comes to something new, don’t just take my word for it, check out some real reviews from real users of this platform…

Click here and check out: Personal Reviews of Wealthy Affiliate