The about me page

There are a few staple pages you will want to have when you start building your website. You will want an affiliate disclosure page, a privacy page and very important… an about me page.

The about you page helps shape your brand, it gives your visitors the ‘why’ behind building out this site. It gives them insight as to why you may be an authority on the subject and niche you are building a site around, and it helps create a connection.

When your readers feel connected and they feel like they can relate to you, you begin to create loyalty, loyalty strengthens your brand, and with that strengthens your business and money making potential.

What’s involved in a good about me page?

This is an example of a template that I use when creating an about me page. You don’t have to follow it completely, remember this page is about you, you can make it anything you want it to be. The entire point of an about me page is to give the reader some insite on the author of the website.

I like to use templates to get my ideas going and to get started. I almost always change things as I go, but it’s nice to have a starting point rather then a blank page where you don’t know where to start.

For those of you that like a more visual walk through and example I collected this video form the Wealthy Affiliate platform I host all my websites on.

You can click on the image above, or click here to be taken to the Wealthy Affiliate platform where this and many other videos are available to its members. Don’t worry, it’s totally free to check out the platform. And if you want to see more and decide to create an account, you are in no way obligated to buy a membership or give any credit card information up front. That’s not at all what the platform is about.

The author of the video is one of the founders of Wealthy Affiliate. Incase you were wondering who Kyle was, and why he would know anything at all.

Knowing the importance of your about me page, I hope you don’t leave it too long once you get your website established. It isn’t an easy page to write. Seems silly but it’s true. You may also think, is it really that important? and put it off. Refrain from doing that, get it started and posted as soon as you can.

You can always go back and make changes later if you need too… updating pages and posts is a good thing to do from time to time. So get started and get going with your about me page if you haven’t already.

If you are having any troubles with your page or have anything to add, leave a comment below and let’s talk about it…









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