Keeping Yourself Motivated

One of the toughest things that we go through when working from home is to keep yourself motivated. Because your at home it is easy to relax on the couch and get into your favourite day time show. Remember, the whole reason why we are doing this is to invest the time now so that we can enjoy more time for ourselves later.

Here are a few things to help you stay on track and keep motivated:

Set some goals, think of your Why? when you have goals to reference every day, and you have a reason to achieve your goals you will be a lot more likely to stay on track and achieve them. The ‘Why” is at the centre of everything you do. Your ‘Why’ is very powerful.

Make yourself a schedule, a daily to do list – obviously this has to be a reasonable schedule and to do list, nothing is more demotivating then the feeling of not getting things done. You want to be able to finish your list each day. The scheduling part will make sure you can balance your time.

Do what you love – when you love what you are doing it wont seem like work, this will help you get through some of the tough days, when building a business, tough days are a guarantee, but the idea is to create as many great ones as possible.

If you have some other things that you do to keep you motivated I would love to hear them… I do work from home too after all….