Working From Home

We are entering an age where more and more people are thinking about working from home… Notice how I said thinking… What happened to doing?

We grow up in a society where we learn to go to school, get a good job, work 9-5, get benefits and a retirement plan, save money when you can, buy a house, have a family, retire after 35 years and thats your ducks in a row. There is a lot wrong with this picture. With the dawn of the information age and the expanding world of technology, that 9-5 job that offered job security doesn’t exist in the way we expected. It is almost impossible to save your way out of a paper bag, never mind trying to come up with a 20% down payment for a house. Oh and we live longer now, so the retirement plan that worked during the industrial age leaves us broke after 15 years of retirement, what happens for the next 15?

My intention is not to scare you or be negative nancy, it is simply to pull back the vale to a very real reality. This reality is what is pushing people to look for something else. People are taking action and choosing to make very real changes in their lives to secure a better future.

This Brings me back to working from home…

Working from home doesn’t have to be a giant leap of faith where you quit your day job and hope for the best.. Lets be smart here… One step at a time. We keep our day job, continue to pay our bills, and put money away when we can. At the same time we also start to create a business at home. Yes it seems like a lot of work and time management, and to be totally honest with you it is, but whats victory without it’s challenges. We are sacrificing some time now for much bigger rewards later.

So now you are wondering, what business and how do a start? Is it hard?… The silver lining here is that it is getting easier and easier. For someone who is ready for a change and to take that leap for your future I would recommend checking out Wealthy Affiliate.  I found this platform on my quest for change and I have never looked back.

Wealthy Affiliate is full of great training and support from others just like you. I went from being someone who thought of an online business as an impossible mission for someone like me, to someone who feels empowered and excited for all I have learned and accomplished since I have started my journey to a bigger and brighter future… One I have much more control over.

I would love to hear about some of your goals and things you would like to accomplish working from home, drop me a comment below…