Creating content for your website

When you first start your website it’s exciting and you seem to have tons of ideas. After you get your foundation going and your content laid out you sometimes start to hit a creative wall or worse start to feel like you aren’t a good enough “writer” and that your content may not be strong enough. Together we are going to talk about this and help you break through.

First Thing First,

We can easily be our worst critics! When your taking on a new business venture or project you may feel some insecurities about what your doing. It’s easy to keep this allll to yourself afraid people won’t approve or won’t like your content. Get out of your head!! Your not trying to create the next Harry Potter novels. Your goal with a blogging website is to help people. Be a real person, and choose to write about things your passionate about and not things you think the most people will be interested in.

When you are getting ready to write new content put yourself in it, think about what you would want to read about in relation to this topic. If your blogging site is about something your interested in, taking this angle should be easy.

You don’t have to be a “writer” to create great content. When someone comes across your website it’s usually because they have a problem or are looking for advise on a topic. These visitors aren’t looking for a fiction novel or a sales pitch, they are looking for real honest feedback, they are looking for something they can relate to.

Create a Template

Organizing  your thoughts can be a challenge when you have lots to say and want to get everting down. You want to come across real, but also organized. You can loose your audience if they don’t understand where your going with what your saying, or if your content is hard to follow.

When I’m doing product reviews I almost always start with a template. In my template I start with a problem per say, the reason I looked for a solution. Then I talk abut the road to discovery, things I looked at and inspiration I found. I then describe materials I needed. I then walk through the process of using the products and finally the outcome. To finish the content I will go through some personal take away sand recommendations if I have them.

Of course not all situations, products or ideas will fit directly into the same template. That’s ok, the idea of a basic template is to get you started to that you can start to develop ideas in an organized fashion and see the direction your content is taking you.

The main goal here is to have a conversation with your reader. The most engaging content is the content that comes across as real over being staged or set up as a sales pitch. People aren’t stupid, they will see through sales tactics and may not read content from your site again.

Add The Visuals

Nothing helps making your point more clear then some pictures. Personally I like to take and edit my own as much as possible. I use a site called to help with a lot of my picture editing and design, I also use them for some of their free images if I can’t get anything on my own that illustrates exactly what I need.

You need to be so careful with the media you choose for your sites. Because your blogging sites and content is monetized the last thing you want is to use is an image or video you don’t have permission to use. This is called copyright and it is illegal, especially when your using someone else’s work to make money. There are serious consequences for doing this. Best advise, be original. If your going to talk about a product go to the store and take pictures of it in real life. If it is something you have at home stage it in your environment. These make some of the best impressions for your reader because they feel like they can relate to the images and get a real sense of what your talking about.

Strong media inserts along with real content makes for great posts and pages for your blogging website. It helps you create a brand.

Final Touch

After you have gone through the wrong process, and plugged in your media, it’s tome to sit back and read it from start to finish and see how it all flows and has come together. At this stage your checking for spelling and grammatical errors you may have inserted along that way. You want to look at your content as whole and see if you are able to get your full idea across and covered everything you wanted to. Don’t be supposed of you find more things to wrists about or make changes during this process. Embrace the development.

Once you are happy with accomplishment it is time to add your affiliate links and monetized you’re content. The reason I say to do this last is because your first goal is to create great and engaging content, your final task is to add some money making potential. The reason I like to do this is because if you put your money making potential first, your content may come across as a sales pitch. When you put the money making potential last, you have created something first that will help people, and for doing that people may feel more inclined to take the advise you have given to take action but buying a product or service your have talked about.

I hope this was helpful and to have some ideas boiling to get your content going. By following these steps you may find it easier to keep writing and also develop an organized website fore people to visit.

I love hearing from my reader so please leave a comment below with any questions you may have, or even to add a little something you do to develop your sites…

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