Keeping Yoruself Motivated

Keeping yourself motivated when you have an online business can be tough. You are your own boss like you have always wanted to be, you have no one to be accountable to but yourself. You can put in a full day or half day of work at your own discression. Everything, your success and your failure is all up to you. 

When you are first getting started it can be alot of work. It can be a big adjustment, and you can easily fall into some bad habits. I have talked about creating a scedule and a daily plan in other posts on this site as a good way to stay on track with your dialy to do’s, but how do you keep yourself motivated to stick it out and kepp going when things get tough, or you dont feel like working that day. I put together a list of some things you can do to help.

  • making personal goals 
  • make financial goals 
  • remind youself daily of your why
  • set goals and monitor your progress
  • reach out to like minded people 
  • sometimes work outside of home
  • do what your love

Making personal goals…  

Personal goals are not financial goals. They are things you want for yourself. A personal goal could be to feel more independant and have the freedom to travel more. To spend more time with your family and friends. You could want to completly give yourself a fresh start a new beginning, to finally buy a house. Yes to accomplish some of these you will need fanincial support. But the first step is to identify what you want. 

Im sure you have herd the saying money cant buy happiness, and that is ture. People who work for the creation of money with no season other then to have more of it find that they are intelectually empty. They dont have much but thier work. And worse, somtimes dont have people they care about to share it with. It is extreme, but it happenes to many people. There is nthing wrong with wanting to work hard and make a good financial living. Make sure you give all that energy directiona dn meaning.

A life without direction is somthing you may want to keep away from. So to come back to it, make some personal goals, these goals create your WHY, they are the reason you do what you do and the reason you will find a way to make it work and find your success. By including people in your ‘why’ you will create witnesses to your succes and people to hold yourslef acountable too. When the end result is to accomplish your personl goals and your ‘why’ it can be a powerful tool to stay motivated and on track. 

Make financial goals…

When you have identified your ‘Why’ it is alot easier to put a finsncial gpal to it. To plan and budget what it would cost in oder to achieve these goals and to find a place in life you would be happy. 

This part takes some work and can become a bit overwhelming. The development of your ‘Why’ is the dream, the finacial goal is the reality of how you achieve it. When you start to develop the finalcial plan start small. Allow yourslef to achieve small battles along the way. This will help you keep motivated. Maybe one of the financial goals is to pay off your credit card, create a countdown list, post it somwhere you can see it, and everytime you make a payment cross off your total and write down the new one. This will allow you too see continued success, even if it is small contributions at a time it is somehting you can see happening the way you wanted it too. 

Make sure your financial goals are resonable. Plan for the big picture, start with a small goal of somthing like an extra $100 a week, and know what you will do with that money. Work towards that and accompish that. Then add the next step, maybe that would be to reach more clients in order to add another $100 to your weekly goal, plan on what you would do with that, and keep going. 

Remind yourself daily of your why…

Check in with your goals dalily, the little ones and the big ones. Building your new future will take time and things will change and redevelop constantly as you move forward. 

Something I have seen become a great success for people is to create a goal borad or image board. A board you will keep in your office and look at every day when you sit down and start working. Things you will want to include on your board are things that identify your ‘Whys’ and your financial goals. Images are very powerful, your subconcious focuses on them even when you dont realise that it is. The images will make you feel happy, they will remind you everyday of what you are working so hard for. 

Some days will be good and other days tough. You may even find yourself on a bad streak of not moving forward fast enough or not at all. Keep an eye on the prize and remind yourself why you started to do this in the first place. Revisit all the things on your board that you want to achieve and things you want to have for your life. It will all come if you put the work in to achieve it. 

Set goals and monitor your progress…

Setting your goals and setting up realsitic expectations takes some time. Once you have put the time in to do all that, you want to make sure you are tracking and revisiting your goals to make sure your on track to achieve them.

There are a number of ways to do this. You can create an excel sheet to track all your expences in one colum and your income in another. This helps to give you a visual of where your money goes each month so you can see if there are any opportunies you may have missed that you can input for the next month. 

Be honest with yourself with financial situations, face your bills and your goals head on. If it stresses you out at first use that as motivation not to feel like that anymore. 

Your goals should alos include content and development goals. You want to be sure that you are creating content regularly on your sites so that they stay relevent and fresh. You will want to create weekly and monthly goals for this and check in on them regularly. I keep lists on my cell phone for content ideas as they come to me to use as insiraption incase I ever have a moment of writers block. I have found this every helpful and effective. 

Make goals for social media reach and following. You will be on facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest, google plus and more to share your content in attempts to draw more traffic. You can set goals for followers and traffic for your site. Monitor things that work and dont work and make changes accordingly. 

Monitouring your progress regularly is important, pressious time could go by filled with lost potential if you are not on top of things. I like to check my progress daily, its the first thing I do each day before I get strated. Somtimes I find that doing this helps set my to do’s for the day. When I see things happen and things moving in the right direction I find it also gives me lots of motivation for the day. 

Reach out to like minded people…

When starting new business it can feel a bit lonely. Not all your friends and family will understand what you are trying to accomplish, and may not understand how you plan on making money online. 

If your business doesnt take off right away you may find that people will tellyou that you are waisting your time and that this money making online thing wont work. Overtime this kind of negitivity may wafre you down and you may start to believe it…. Well believe this, online spending is currently calculated in the billions, thats right! Billions! More and more people are serching for a more convient shoping method, products a click away and information faster then ever. People are liking the convientiance of shooping from your couch and produts and servces beimg delivered instantly or to your door step. 

There is nothing wrong with working at your online business in order to get yourself a chunk of the pie…

When I started my online business I had no idea what I was doing. There are lots of platforms for hosting websites and lots of training available for you out there. I chose to use Wealthy Affiliate for my website and learning. On this platform I have met many like minded people, all with the same types of goals. I have had the pleasure of offering help and support to people who needed it, and I also have access to many people able to do the smae for me. To be honest, if it wasnt for me finding Wealthy Affiliate, I may have given up on building an online buisness. I have had success and I have had tribulations, and without other people to talk to that are experiancing the same things I was I would have listened to friends and family when they said just give up already, or, there is no way you can make a living with a blogging site. 

Like minded people can be the differnace between success and failure when starting a new business… Find some people you can connect with and feed off of each other to reach your online goals.

Sometimes work outside of home

Working form home on your own hours and your own schedule is a dream for many. Working at home can be its own enemy though. When your at home you are faced with the decission to work or to work on the honey do list that you have on the fridge that can also seem never ending somtimes. You may find yourself captivated by some day time tv while having a cup of coffee and before you know it hours of pressious time has escaped you. 

Self motivation and focus is key, aloting time for eveyething you want to accomplish will help, and sometimes it takes getting out of the house and changing the scenory. 

On many ocasions I have been known to go and find a spot at the park accross the street with my dogs at a bench under a tree and enjoying some fresh air, limited distractions and some alone time to get things done. I find doing this sometomes helps with my creativinty when Im feeling unmotivated. Now I know you wont have access to wifi at the park, so this is some good content building time, when I get home I add my affiliate links, fill in the blanks with some reaserch and then post and share my thoughts on social media. 

Coffee shops are a good place. If you are someone who enjoys a good cup of coffee, get up, get dressed, pack up your laptop and head off to your local starbucks or coffee shop. Have a coffee, tap into their wifi and off you go. 

Workiing from home doesnt mean you have to be straped to your home office all the time. That over time may feel like being trapped just as you were when you were working 9-5 for someone else at an office. The ability to take your work anywhere is one of the major bonuses of the online world…

Do what you love…

In life if you do what you love and love what you do, you will never feel like youor working and you will find yours more content and happier in your life. If building an online business is somehting you are interested in build that business around youor passions. If you like DIY and decorating, build a website about that. If you have a passions for video games and consoles, build a buiness around that. 

When you are building a business around somthing you love, you wont get tired of it, you will enjoy researching it and writing about it, you will want to try out new products and services. And of course your readers will be able to sence that passion through your writing. 

“Do what you love, and love what you do”

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