Challenges of Working From Home

Working from home is something many people wish they could do. They are tired of the 9-5 run around busting your butt to make your boss look good, all the while hardly making enough money to get by…

The best decisions in life are the most educated one.. I’m going to be very honest with you, if you thought working at home for yourself means working less, you have the wrong idea. You will have to work harder then you ever have before to build the business, before you will be able to reach the level of success that truly offers you more freedom. However, once you reach that thresholds, the sense of reward and satisfaction you will feel.. Nothing can top that…

There are three main things that I keep myself mindful of when I’m working from home. Doing this helps to keep me on track and focused…

Motivation: The best way to describe motivation, is having a “why“… I’m sure if you have worked in the cooperate world you may have heard your boss or HR manager talk about the “why“.

Knowing this is the single most imprtant first step to accomplishing anything.. Starting your own business and working from home is very tough, you may have friends and family tell you you made a mistake leaving that stable job, bla bla bla… Trust me if it hasn’t happened yet it will… So avoid that talk… Don’t leave your job till your home business starts to grow and you see some consistency. We will get back to this…

The “why” is your reason for doing something. It can be a very powerful tool. My “why” was because I was unhappy that I hit my glass ceiling at work, I wanted to give myself the opportunity to make more of my life, to have more control over what happens to me, and be bale to build a stable future for me and my family. Every single time I feel a little bit defeated, or I may feel that I have bit off more then I can chew. I remind myself why I made this decision in the first place, and I keep pushing. I encourage you to take a minute and think about your “why“, it can make all the difference.

Distractions: Working from home is full of distractions. Pets, kids, loved ones, not to mention the never ending honey do list you may have been putting off for ages. When your online, there is the internet and social media outlets distracting your time. This can be very dangerous to the development of your online business.

To help with this, build yourself daily goals, a list of things you want to accomplish each day, when you get them all done, take some time for yourself. I you find you are having a lot more spare time then push yourself to achieve more. I do this for myself daily, I really helps me stay focused and also gives me the sense of accomplishment when I realizeĀ I got everything I set out to do, done.

The plan will include social media time, we all use the great outlets of social media to help us build our online business. So give yourself maybe 30min a day for non business related time and then remind yourself you can go back later when you got all your work done. It’s a lot easier said then done, really make an effort to keep social media time during your work time to the absolute min.

Kids and pets are the hardest distraction to get around. Don’t get flustered or frustrated if you are having a bad day at home with them. Remember we are making small daily goals at first so you can accomplish something, and eventually will build the goals and expectations as you get a routine at home set and the balance of your time gets easier. Where there is a will, there always will be a way šŸ™‚

Mindset: Your mindset is such a powerful tool. Mindset can wrap into the “why” but the mindset really is the big picture. Almost nothing in life can be accomplished if you don’t change your mindset to work with those goals.

One of the biggest blocks of a positiveĀ mindset is stress and pressure. We put a lot of both those things on ourselves every day, when we do this we force ourselves into a fight or flight response and we aren’t able to deal with things with the rational we would have wanted to. So first things first, know that building a business will take time, its not an over night success, the average website with consistent daily updates and activity, along with sharing and social interaction will take about 3 months to really start seeing some movement on rankings. Now put that in perspective, in what job have you ever had financial and career movement within 3 months. In a job your first 3 months is your probational period, only after that can you start to work towards accomplishing career goals. So give yourself time!! don’t get discouraged right away. I am apart of this great platform called Wealthy Affiliate, it is full of people like you and me that want to make a difference in our lives and build an online business. I am constantly interacting with people on the platform to help keep me motivated, we share success stories with one another, help each other when we get stuck on a task, it’s truly a wonderful community.

As I mentioned before, don’t quit your job yet. If you are a stay at home mom, or are off work because of a disability and want to take the time to build a business, that is really amazing, congrats and good luck!! If you are currently in a job you hate, or you are concerned about job security, work on your business on evening and weekends, make it a hobby and an outlet for your creativity and down time. By doing this you will give yourself the time to build a proper online business, you will get less frustrated with yourself, and you wont be counting the days to the time you start making some income. Jut hang in there a little bit longer, the sun will come up…

If you have any questions or anything to add please leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you…

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