The Ultimate Writing Platform

How many times have you set out to write a product review on your site and you wished you had a template to go to without having to copy and paste things from your other pages (which search engines don’t like). If you are someone like me that has multiple niche sites, how annoying is it to have a tab for each of your sites open as you work from site to site making posts and creating killer content… Well let me tell you, your mind is about to be blown.

I love tools, I love using tools that make things simple… I encourage you to check out the new Ultimate Writing Platform on the Wealthy Affiliate website. It has some pretty impressive features. You can create blank posts, or build a template that you can save and use every time you write a product review, or want to build a new page or post. You can see all your posts for all your sites in one place. And when you finish writing your post, the platform has a unique editor that checks for spelling, grammar, and punctuation, so you can feel more confidant before you post.

So you ask, how do I get the content I just built to my site? You simply hit publish and choose any website that you are hosting on WA and bam! that’s it. You can then check out your new post on your website and edit anything you feel you need to change on it while its live.

The biggest take away is the easy to use process…

Further if you are someone that likes to track your progress and set goals for yourself, you can also do that within the platform. On your dashboard you can set content goals, word count goals and monitor your progress to help keep you on track. You can also see the number of published articles along with how many of those articles have been indexed with google.

I have seen tons of online tools that claim to help you develop your online business, but I have never seen anything like this… This is just the beginning, there is so much more to come, check it out and tell me what you think….

Click here or on the image about to see more info about the Site Content Platform on the Wealthy Affiliate website. Or click here or on the image below if you are in more of a mood to check out a video walk through. 

If you have any questions about anything you have read or watched just let me know in a comment below here, or you are always welcome to reach out to me on the Wealth Affiliate platform.

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