Making a Plan to Organize Your Day

Lets get right to it the best way to feel productive is to have a plan. The plan doesn’t have to be the same every day, in fact I suggest you switch it up. For example:

This is just a guide, you can really play with it however you want. The nice thing with a plan is that you don’t waste time, and if you set yourself to complete certain tasks and you don’t, you can rearrange things as needed to finish them. Having a plan will keep you motivated! One of the biggest challenges of working from home is to stay on task…

Give yourself some goals… There is a great new tool on the Wealthy Affiliate platform that I’m on called Site Content, it allows you to create word goals and content goals, it tracks your progress for you so you can see how close you are to getting to your goals. I just started using this tool, it has totally changed how I’m planning my site content.

Set yourself financial goals, think of reasonable 3 months and 6 month goals for your websites and work your butt off to get there. Always write the goals down, so you can remind yourself daily of what you want to achieve…

Creating your own business from the ground up is an adventure, it’s hard work and it takes some time to get it to the point that you want it to be. Don’t give up, and keep going… Keeping a plan in place to get you through the day to day activities so you can keep taking steps forward to achieve your goals is so crucial. It keeps you organized, motivated and on track..

It will take time to create a schedule that works for you, it’s a work in progress. Maybe you want to check emails at the beginning of the day because when you do it at the end of the day you spend too much time online. Maybe you write better posts first thing in the morning after breakfast because after lunch you feel a bit tired. Take note of these things and make adjustments to the next day or the next weeks plan as needed. You will get a flow that works and it will feel great.

If you do different things to help you at home, drop a comment, would be interested in hearing them…


2 Comments on “Making a Plan to Organize Your Day

  1. I have just started to plan out my days and it has changed everything. I have been way less stressed. I find I’m getting more done and I’m more aware of what I’m doing. I recently chose to work from home and planning my time out has made all the difference in feeling like I can really make it work.

    • You will get there, one day at a time. Continue to organize your day and keep setting goals. It will help keep you on track and motivated. Good luck with growing your business

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