Saving Your Ideas

Have you ever been out doing some running around and suddenly something catches your attention and triggers a great post or page idea for your site. At that moment you find yourself excited to get home and get your ideas out…

You finish your to do list, you head home, you get onto your computer, go to start typing and….. Nothing!

Your fantastic and super exciting idea is completely gone, you can’t for the life of you remember what it was that had you so excited to start writing about.. We all suffer from writers block sometimes, and there is nothing worse than having the perfect new post in your head and then forget it by the time you get to your computer.

It has happened to me a few times. I was so frustrated, and wasted time trying to recall what it was I was wanting to write about. Now I carry a pen and some paper in my car, or I have a note pad started on my phone so I can record my ideas as I get them… This has become a total life saver.

Building an online business is tough, you are always having to come up with new and exciting ideas to keep our websites up to date and exciting for our readers. I have experienced moments of writers block, so for those moments I look back to my note pad or notes on my phone to help get me started…

Another great tool is the site content tool of the Wealthy Affiliate platform that I am apart of. Sometimes I find that I can get ideas for new content while I am in the middle of writing something else. The site content tool allows me to start and save multiple posts without having to publish them, until I get them just right of course. Its a great tool for bouncing back and forth between ideas.

Another great way to brainstorm is using a google search for keywords. You start by typing out a words or two relating to something you want to discuss on your site and tale of phases and keywords will pop up in a drop down menu… They can lead to some good things.

One last thing you can try while I have you here is a tool called Jaaxy. I use it for key word searches, and I Find it really helps me to develop a whole pile of other ideas as I go. Try it below for free and see if it works for you…

Dont forget… Make sure you write down or record your ideas as you go so that you don’t miss out on any great potential pages and post ideas for your site.

If you have developed any methods, or other tricks yourself I would like to hear about them.. Leave a comment below.

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